Finish the story, earn steembasicincome shares and upvotes! Day #3

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v1.png

I have to confess that choosing the 3 winners is going to be a hell of a dilemma! Your neurons - like hamsters under an abundant LSD dosage - feverishly produced such crazy and suprising stories that, once again, I have been proud of being part of this community of freewriters created by our Lady of Prompts @mariannewest!

Here is how this contest works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story/freewrite

2. You finish it with a comment in the comment section ( long stuff needed!)

3. I will donate 1 @steembasicincome share to one freewriter with the most interesting, fun, original, crazy ending (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's super simple and I hope we'll have loads of fun together!
Nothing is mandatory here (voting is highly appreciated though)..Just enjoy and prepare for a trip into my delirious fiction world!


For those that don't know what the @steembasicincome is, we're talking about a great program run by @josephsavage which - based on your amount of shares in it - will grant you a permanent vote on all your posts. A basic income for everyone to make this world an equal and better place.

Here you will find a complete overwiev

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.


Too much writing! Here's the story based on @mariannewest today's prompt "gardening":

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". Lately, he could not think of anything else. The thought had crept innocently into his head three weeks before and slowly gained space in his mind, filling more and more every corner of the two cerebral hemispheres, each loop of the neural river, each axon and lane in the streets of his gray matter.

In the silence of the night, with his eyes bulging, his pen had ferociously ferried for hours a stack of white sheets, which gave way inexorably, filling them with minute spaceless words. He was alone in his kitchen like a Mohai corroded by time, the empty fridge, sad dishes in the sink. A dried peel of tangerine kept company with a piece of bread, whose crumb had been dug resembling a crab claw. He had to shoot out those bloody words. It gave him relief, though less and less. He had to write more, more words more relief.

It was three o'clock in the morning when he stopped suddenly, struck by an unexpected intuition: "Is the neighbour's grass greener? I will change color!"
He couldn't contain himself with the joy of the discovery and it seemed to him that obsessive thoughts already loosened their implacable grip. He ran out of the house in his underwear and a pair of white hotel slippers shouting "It will be black! It will be blaaaaack!".

Countless sleepless nights of feverish search passed and many Dumirox bottles greeted the bin, until one day he was ready to show the world his wonder: the garden of hairs. Gardening 2.0, a new frontier for humanity.

He was a biologist and researcher in a big pharma, now retired but still well endowed. Thanks to this, obtaining a garden made of human and animal hairs had become a reality. He had used 3d printing technology for organic fabrics in order to graft his own hairs and make them grow on ever-larger surfaces. Now, in front of his house reigned a whole flowerbed of shiny black hairs, well groomed and of different kinds. The flowerbed had been assembled in the cellar and promptly installed at night in the small garden in front of the terraced house.

"Admire my hair garden and crack of envy, old asshole", thought the former biologist with ill-concealed satisfaction while the neighbour, who had gone out to retrieve the newspaper, remained stunned observing a lush array of pubic hair, neatly laid out in his neighbour's shrubbery.

On their part, even the hairs observed the scene with an apparently innocuous air ..


In the beginning, I will run 3 rounds of this contest in a week: mon/tue/wed, all the results of this week will be given on monday 5th March, 11 pm, UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8).

And now, dear friends, equip yourself with specific hairy-gardening tools and let the journey begin!

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