5-Minute Freewrite: The Call

Day 243: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: phone
5 minutes
Word prompt: phone

The Call

By the end of the night- something was clearly bothering Victor. His long-time friend Harold could notice an increasing anxiety on Victor's face- as he quickly rounded up his guests to leave.

Victor seemingly kept his eye on the clock more than his friends that night. It had been years since they gathered around like this. Victor was annoyed with Harold because didn't give him a heads-up that his friends were arriving. He was always alone this time of the year. As he pushed his last guest out the door, he quickly gathered his coat and sat back down in his chair in the living room.

Just as it normally does on this particular night of the year, the room suddenly started to get chillier. Victor's cold breaths filled the space around him. Was it really going to happen again? He had lost countless nights of sleep as the calendar drew closer and closer to this day.

Shit! Harold forgot one important detail. He scrambled to the chest by the fireplace and pulled out an old rotary phone and set it by his chair.

The grandfather clock made it's presence known throughout the frosty house with 12 loud chimes that echoed through every corner of the room.

When the phone rang, chills crawled along Victor's spine to his neck. Every door in the upstairs floor began to open and slam shut continuously. Footsteps ran up and down the stairs and an icy breeze rolled in that extinguished the fireplace.

When Victor placed his shaking hand on the phone's receiver the noise stopped to complete silence. He placed the receiver to his ear.


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