5 Minute Freewrite Challenge Day 124 Snake

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Snake is a word with many definitions.

I was married to a plumber, and a snake is a long thing that you put down the drain to get it unblocked. It is a very gross procedure and the snake itself will never come clean once used. It stays in the garage or the work truck when not in action.

A snake is a sneaky person who goes behind your back and does things you don’t like. If people call you a snake it is not a compliment.

A snake is a reptile that has a bad reputation. Some are poisonous and some can squeeze you to death. Many people fear all snakes equally, even though some are harmless. Snakes are the bad guy in a Bible story and in The Jungle Book.

Is there a good definition for the word snake? I don’t know of one if there is.

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My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. Maybe you can enter too.

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