5 Minute Freewrite Challenge Day 131 Solitude

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A life of solitude is what I have. I like it that way. I often describe myself as a hermit. I can go out; I will go out; I can be with people; I will be with people. But I really prefer to be alone with me, myself, and I.

This sometimes bothers others and they tell me I need to get out more and be with people. I tell them I don’t. I think it goes along with being nomadic and not having ties to people, places, or things. Maybe it’s because of the obesity I had for most of my life. Once in a while I think I want some connections. Most of the time I don’t.

I’ve had over 75 paying jobs in my life (I have a list) and many more unpaid. I’ve lived in at least 500 places since I count the places I live if I stay there overnight.

One reason I love Thailand is because no one cares what I'm doing.

I know it’s time to leave when someone says, “You can’t stay here if you are going to be like that.” I don’t tell them, but I’m not staying even if I change.

My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. Maybe you can enter too.

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Here are the steps I took to lose weight. Do them; and you will too.

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