5 Minute Weekend Freewrite 02/10/2018 - Single Prompt Option - Lizard Cave

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Going into a place called “Lizard Cave” is not on my list. I do not want to go into a cave. The lizards would not bother me unless they were aggressive and that would be just my luck if I was in their cave.

I’ve only been in one cave I can think of, and that was as a tourist in San Antonio, Texas. This was while I was still obese. My son was about 16 and we went down into this huge place and saw all the beautiful formations. It was “raining” down there from the groundwater.

At the end of the tour, it turns out you were hundred’s of feet below the surface and had to walk many, many, steps to get back up. That had to be one of the longest climbs of my obese life. My son was so worried and had to help me all the way up.

We saw no lizards in that cave and I am happy about that.

My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. She also offers a more detailed 3 part challenge on the weekends and maybe you might like that one instead.

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Let me help you with simple and natural methods for weight loss and health that you will enjoy. It’s been over seven years now since I had to worry about my weight. This is such a relief!

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