Stars #freewrite

When Lacey was younger, still fresh and innocent, not jaded by the world even for a bit and what she worries everyday is the colouring homework from her teacher, she had dreams. There are those simple dreams of eating her favourite pudding for dinner, or having a birthday party in the nearby mcdonald complete with a three layer cake and party hats and all. When she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew older she would say that she wanted to go to space and see the quadriollion of stars in the galaxy.

That was around two decades ago, or more. Currently she works in a nine to five jobs, dealing with paperworks, paperworks, and more paperworks. Somehow she had forgotten her dream and maybe it is for the better, not everyone can achieve their dreams. Having a good life doesn't mean you have to achieve it, one knows sometimes the sacrifices we need to make doesn't equal to what we will achieve.

Lacey is happy,, content and thinks that her life is just fine as it is. A simple ordinary life with a good family and friends, what more could she ask for. Space seems too lonely for her when she thinks about it, and the quadrillion of stars looks better when she gaze it from her backyard.stars-1245902_1920.jpg

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