The Other Side | Day 195: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: the entryway

It was a famous place in the village, or rather, infamous. Stories about it has been told to everyone ever since they were children. "Do not go there." His mother had always told him during bedtime stories "You will be taken by the dark and never comes back."

"Does anyone never comes back at all , mommy?" He had asked, dark brown eyes filled with curiousity.

"No, never." His mother answered automatically then paused "Well..."

He tilted his head and leans closer, wanting to know more. " When I was small, someone came back, they could no longer speakand a few months later she died."

He gasped, chubby fingers overing his mouth. "Is she your friend?"

His mother shook her head, "No no... she was a few decades older than me but..."


"Never mind Allen, now you go to sleep okay." She kissed his forehead and tucks him in.

He wasn't able to sleep easily that night as he kept thinking about it yet once the sun came up, he had forgotten.

Now when he is right before the entrance, the stories came back to him again and he couldn't help but stare at the two centuries old tree that bends in a way that it shaped an entrance like arch.

He is eighteen, not a grown man yet no longer a child and maybe he should be rational and not risk anything but his child like curiousity came in full blown in him. How he mnaged to reach the place, he didn't know. It was a mere walk back from the grocery, and by now he should be at home giving the bag of eggs to his mother. Yet here he is, right before the entryway that people had warned others about.

There is nothing weird on the otherside, just plain old grass, If he steps around the trees, he will still be standing on those grass but it will be different if he goes under the arch, or is it? Slowly, he raised a hand, his fingertips touching the bark of the tree.....

I kind of want to go on writing this and sees where it takes me. After writing this thoough, I kind of find it similar to Stardust or Narnia?

anyways, this writing is from the prompt here : @mariannewest/day-195-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-the-entryway

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