Core Values ~ 5 minutes and go!

Hanging, crooked on a brick wall was a sign secured by a small piece of tape at the top with gum globs on each corner. The words Core Values were printed in squiggly letters across the top. But this wasn’t any ordinary lettering. The “r” was backwards in the word Core, and the Values was spelled with two “u’s” at the end. But that didn’t bother anyone. The only ones who were to read the sign could hardly read themselves, much less spell it. The list under went as follows.

  1. No stealing

  2. No lying (unless extremely necessary)

  3. No snitching

Jeremy, at age twelve had already acquired a limp in his left leg. He walked past the sign, like he did any time he came home. It was after all in the entrance of the old bakery where he lived, but he failed to notice the small creature tucked up under the sign, curled in a blanket.

He went straight on pass and into the kitchen where he saw the rest of his “family” sitting around the small wooden table they had dragged in from the dining room. Tony, only four, sat in the chair normally reserved for Jeremy, on his knees. Mallory, who was just slightly younger than Jeremy, sat next to Tony. Robert, ten, was leaning on the side of the counter chewing on his thumb nail, while the twins, Ren and Ben, both age eight, sat side by side on a bench.

“Hey Jeremy!” squeaked Tony.

“Hi there fella,” he smiled back.

“Whadja bring home this time?” Tony asked running to his side.

“Not now,” Mallory said in an important tone only a 12 year old girl could speak in.

“Oh that’s right,” Tony said growing quiet. “I forgot we haven’t told him yet.”

“Told me what?” Jeremy asked scanning the room.

“Well,” started one of twins. “We have a new member,” finished the other.

Jeremy’s eyebrows raised. “New member?” He looked around the room. “Well, where are they?”

Mallory shot Robert a fierce glance. “We left them out by the entrance,” she said. “Robert wouldn’t allow them to come in, threatened to poke out both of their eyes if they tried! So they’re out there now. You must’ve walked right past.”

Robert huffed.

“Well, we do have rules about that,” Jeremy shrugged.

“They ain’t on our Core Value sign!” Tony yelled, and Mallory nodded in agreement.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Just cause they ain’t on the sign doesn’t mean we don’t follow them. I’m sure Robert was just trying to keep us safe.”

“She might be a snitch,” Robert mumbled.

“Exactly,” Jeremy said. “How 'bout we go and get - you said she? - let’s get her and bring her in, question her a bit and see if she’s legit.”

“If she is, can she stay?” squealed Tony.

“Yes, she can stay. But only if it’s real,” Jeremy said. “We’ll question her real good, and if she’s an orphan like us, then we’ll make a place for her.”

Jeremy led the troop through the front lobby door to the mound sitting below the sign, right where they left her. He made a mental note to pay better attention in the future. Jeremy knelt down and pulled back the blanket back to reveal a young girl with matted blonde hair.

“It’s okay,” Jeremy said. “I won’t hurt you.”

“You won’t poke my eyes out?” she asked in a panic.

“No, no,” he laughed quietly. “Let’s take you inside and get you something to eat, then you can tell us a little about you, and maybe how you found us.”

I really enjoyed writing this! Thank you for reading!!

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