Posey - 5 minute freewrite - Prompt: grief

Molly sat in a heap of letters piled knee high in some places.

She had thought it would have been easier going through these. Afterall, they weren't hers. She didn't know who Posey was apart from these scribbles that were atleast 50 years old.

But she had made a promise to write the memiors, and she would see it through.

She grabbed another letter, faint pink in hue, and read another.

Dear Jonathon,

I am full of grief this day. I won't be able to come visit this weekend like we had planned. But soon my love.

With all my heart,

Molly picked up the next letter, dated two weeks later.

Dear Jonathon,

My heart aches for you as I'm pulled away to yet another function my mother is having. I'm having drinks tonight with with a new business asscociate for Father's firm. I wish I were with you.

With all my heart,


Another letter was behind it.

Dear Jonathon,

I'm beginning to doubts about our engagement. Father is certain Timothy is a better match. I can't believe I'm even writing this. Please come see me, please.


Molly started hunting for the train tickets she had shuffled to the side earlier this morning. Curiosity burned inside her chest. What had he chosen?

There stuck below a stack photos were tickets for Hartford, Connecticut. She gingerly picked a photo of a smiling young couple and read the back.

Jonathon and Posey Williams Courthouse 1949

Molly smiled to herself.

Thank you for reading!

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