Stranded ~ Freewrite ~ 5 Minutes and Go!

Anna took the last few steps onto the beach and collapsed into a heap, huffing in the sand that pricked against her face. Blake laid next her flat on his back panting in the hot sun.

“I can’t believe we made.” he struggled to get out, relief rushing over his exhausted body.

In the distance their sailboat sunk slowly into the water, the last bit of flame extinguished in the waves.

“We need to make a shelter…we need fire…we need fresh water and food.” he went on.

Anna just laid there too in shock to even move. Blake willed himself to stand and began scouting the island that had been their salvation.

The afternoon rolled into the evening, and fortunately they had found enough tinder to make a fire, and Anna sat next to it while Blake put together a make shift lean to from bamboo. As Anna’s stomach rumbled again, she eyed the jungle behind them. Convinced there had to be provisions, she strode off in search. Luckily, about twenty minutes later, she came back, brandishing a large hand of bananas proudly, and sat back down next to the fire.

“Great! Good thinking!” Blake said. He squatted down next to her and reached over for one. “Listen, I’ve been doing some thinking. I know what I said on the boat, about how I just couldn’t see a future together, and how I thought it would be best if we went our separate ways. And I know things got a little heated, when I mentioned I started seeing someone else, and I accidentally knocked over the oil lamp. But, I mean, if we’re going to be here on this island together…for who knows how long….” He scooted closer to her, his face right next to hers. “Then I thought there’s really no sense in fighting the inevitable.” He leaned in for a kiss, but just as his lips were about to graze hers, Anna swiped him in the head with the bananas.

“If you think for one second that I would ever, ever consider anything involving you…let’s just say you might have better luck finding pirate treasure.”

She stood up quickly, not wanting to waste anymore time, and began to work on her own lean-to.

I took a second away from the Lola series, and wrote something new to kick off the selfie challenge the Freewrite House is having! Hope you enjoyed it!

To learn more about the five minute freewrites visit @mariannewest!

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