The Mouse Named Isabella ~ 5 Minute Freewrite ~ Prompt: mice

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Isabella was a kind mouse who lived in her small hole underneath a great oak tree in the woods. She loved her home. It was full of all the things she loved to collect. Small scraps of paper, bobby pins, thimbles, pen caps, broken pieces of ceramic dishes, plastic forks and knives, spools of thread, balls of yarn, and a nice tiny, pink pillow she liked to curl up on at night.

She liked to think she had plans for all of her treasures. The scraps of paper she would sow together to make books that would sit on the shelves she would build from small pieces of bark. She would create beautiful artwork with the broken ceramic, or even use it to make dishware that she could give to other mice. The thimbles could be used to make a communication device, where a string was tied from one to another, and they would be linked from one mouse home to the next.

But for now it all sat in a jumbled pile next to her front door.

She looked at it from her cushy bed, and sighed. She wondered if all of her crazy ideas would ever come to fruition, or if the other mice were right about her and all she was a collector of useless human junk. She couldn’t believe they were right. She was going to make something of herself, she just knew it!

Thanks for reading! I don't think I've ever done anything where an animal was the main character before, but it was fun! honor of firsts for me, I want to do something a little crazy! I want to challenge @snook to write more of the story with tomorrow's prompt from @mariannewest! Now if she doesn't want's okay...I'll only cry a little! Haha

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Until next time....

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