The Over Twenty Club!🎉

I made it!

I can't express how excited I am that I've been officially inducted into the Over Twenty Club! This means that I've written over twenty freewrites, and I'm currently active within the community.

Over twenty! This feels huge when I think about my very first one, and how I meticulously timed myself, nervously checked for typos, and just about peed myself when I hit post!

There it first "published" writing for others to read!

And it has just gotten better and more fun the more I write and the more people I meet.

For those who have no idea what I'm going on about, @mariannewest posts a daily prompt, and the idea is to set a timer and write for 5 minutes without holding yourself back.

If this sounds like fun to you here, to see the latest post. And also check out the freewrite house by clicking the image!


Click the graphic to join in the fun!

The journey of freewriting has taught me so much about myself.

A little backstory...I've been writing one single story for seven years. It's been a tough go, and really it's fear in my ability that holds me back. But since being here and feeling support such amazing support, I've gained so much more confidence, and now I write with reckless abandon.

So, I've been asked to share three of my favorite freewrites, and it took me just second to think about, but I think I've got them!

My first is....


I loved writing this! My hubs (@freedompoint) had been helping me with ideas for the prompt pen and suggested I tell the life story of a pen, and then Blue was born!

My second...



This was my first (and only haha) attempt at writing a weekend freewrite...which comes in three seperate prompts designed to drive you nuts! Not really, but it does offer a unique challenge.

My third is...


This was my first prompt in the ongoing Lola series. It was so different from any other I'd ever written, and I surprised myself by the emotions that came out.

So, thank you for taking a moment to reminence with me!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column