Poetry Digest - Tenth Edition

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Poetry Digest - Tenth Edition

Welcome to the Freewrite Poetry Digest brought to you by @wandrnrose7. We apologize for our absence last week. Circumstances prevented its completion, but we have returned to showcase additional beautiful and entertaining poetry inspired by the daily prompts found @mariannewest Freewrite Daily Prompt.

Meanwhile, the 200 Selfie Freewrite Celebration housted by @freewritehouse continues. We are on day 35 of 50! The heat is on!! If you are curious about some of the @freewritehouse members, stop over and take a peek at the lovely selfies and read a few awesome freewrites.
Some of these freewrites are poetic!

Here are some of our favorite selections.

Click on the picture to read the full post.

@marcoriccardi had us on line one with his poem inspired by the prompt Miami.

What a sweet, beautiful poem!! (curated by @mariannewest)

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@kaelci shares a deep look into a brief moment inspired by the prompt dew. She shares both her poem and her original freewrite, which do you like best?

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We had a great time reading this and smiling at @improv interpretation of skinny!

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@iyanpool shares a beautiful, reverent poem using the prompt quadrillion. Welcome back!

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New to the poetry digest is @efongym who shares his impression of the prompt dew from a concrete jungle perspective. Please welcome him!

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Also new to the digest, please welcome @mannyz who leaves us smiling with his poem prompted by skinny.

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@kilbride tackles a very sensitive subject head-on in her poetry inspired by the prompt skinny.

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I hope you enjoyed these poems. If the poem is past payout, please find a recent post to share a vote and comment to support these lovely poets!

A vote on an expired post does go back to the reward pool and has no benefit to you or the author.

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Please tag us with #freewritepoetrydigest or #freewritepoetry so we can find your work!! And if you see a piece of freewrite poetry of a fellow freewriter which really speaks to you, leave us a link in the comments.

Happy poetic writing!

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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