The Interview Series - Introducing @Honeydue


Welcome to the Freewrite House Interview Series

brought to you by @brisby!

       Our Freewrite House loves to showcase all of you fantastic freewriters! So, each week, we'll be giving a different author the chance to answer a few questions, share some of the favorite stories they've written, and ask a question of their own to the community.

      Our first victim volunteer is the terrific @Honeydue! Her stories, filled with complex characters and situations, are guaranteed to get a reaction out of you! She's been a great help to our freewriting group with delivering daily prompts and encouraging other writers with their works. Luckily for us, she agreed to do even more and answer a few questions!

@honeydue photo 1.jpgimage by @honeydue

Click on the blog photos to read @Honeydue's selections.

Remember if a post is older than 6 days, try to find something more recent to upvote so that the author can get the rewards. Thank you so much for your support!

1 - Have you ever spent a long time working on something only to end up either losing it or scrapping what you were going to do with it? How did that make you feel and, if it was a decision, what led you to choose to do that? (This could be a post for Steemit or some other project in your life.)

      Honestly, I have, but I don’t consider it ‘losing’ something. I tend to stretch stories out for too long, up to the point where I get bored and the whole process becomes agony, so I just stop. And I think that’s healthy for me. Besides, there’s always more where that story came from, so it’s okay.
As for losing stuff, you have to be aware from the get-go that you win some, you lose some. Not every story can be a Pulitzer.

2 - What is something that you’ve had to unlearn? Why?

      Judging. And it’s something freewrites have helped me with tremendously. I set the clock and I just let go, don’t care where I’m taking the story, just run with it. Why? Because it’s unhelpful, of course.

3 - Has a freewrite prompt ever opened up a door to something that you either hadn’t thought of in a while or had chosen to not confront or deal with? Did you decide to write about it? If so, do you feel that it helped with the issue or gave you a release in being able to put the issue and your feelings into words?

      Yes. You know, I’ve gotten quite a reputation for writing dark, often sad stories. And I’m not sure exactly where all that darkness comes from, but there is a place with bad ideas, somewhere deep and a lot of the freewriting prompts have helped me delve into that. Maybe one day, they’ll help me understand it.

4 - What is something that people misunderstand about you?

      I’m very quiet, which some people mistake for having nothing to say, I guess.

Vivacious Baby

5 - What is something that your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

      Procrastinate. Although I don’t always win. I believe the term ‘rarely’ would apply, even. It’s a resistance-thing that I suppose every writer has in him, and if you want to make it, you have to steer yourself very hard, to make sure you don’t get off track and stop working.

6 - What is something that you’ve done (or not done) that you regret?

      I don’t think you regret the things you’ve done, only the things you haven’t. There are some times I let fear get the better of me and miss out on experiences, people etc and I guess you could say I regret that.

7 - What do you feel is your favorite part of the freewriting community and/or freewrite exercise and why did you choose to be a prompt deliverer?

      Oh, this is tough. My favorite part about the community is that everyone’s so encouraging and friendly. And open! That really strikes me. I’m usually a lone wolf, but I really like the freewriters.
      I’m a prompt deliverer because these people are putting their hearts out on the table, through their writing, they deserve to get all the encouragement they can.

8 - What is one thing that you would change about Steemit? Why?

      I’d reorganize the reward pool, make sure that everyone got what they deserved, ‘cause there are a lot of really great pieces out there and they’re terribly underrated.

9 - What are some things in life that you feel people have to learn the hard way?

      That sometimes, you don’t get what you want. That doesn’t work and it’s not always a bad thing. Like the Stones say, you might just get what you need…


10 - What is a question that you wish people would ask?


11 - What do you do when it seems like everything is going wrong?

      Listen to music. I’ve often found understanding in music. It’s really comforting to realize someone else’s gone through whatever it is before and survived, so...You’ll probably make it, too.

12 - What is something that you’ve discovered about yourself since you’ve began freewriting?

      That the stories won’t end. It’s a fear that you get, when you don’t write enough. What if this is the last/the only good one? It’s not.

13 - What is something that seems small to others but is important to you?

      Reading. It’s a tragedy, but there are so many people who seem to see reading as something passe, you know? Or something cool or whatever. I see it as bare survival necessity.

14 - Have you ever lost joy in doing something that you used to love? What was it and were you able to find pleasure in it again?

      Reading about history. I used to be a big history buff when I was a kid, but as time went by, I kinda lost the...passion that drove me. I still enjoy it, but not as much as I used to.
But it’s good to do that. It’s normal to change passions as you go.

@honeydue book.jpgimage by @honeydue

15 - Where is your room in the Freewrite House and what does it look like?

      I guess I never thought about that. I’d say it’s on the third floor, somewhat secluded. It’s small and very white-wood. And there’s a lot of light in it to fight the darkness. And a lot of books. A wall of ‘em.

16 - What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

      That the government is on our side. 😉

17 - You’ve been cryogenically frozen for 200 years. What is the first question that you ask when you wake up?

      Do you still read books? If not, please re-freeze me.

18 - What fictional place would you most like to visit and what would you do there?

      This is just a criminal question, you know? How could you choose?
Ankh-Morpork, from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. Visit. Have tea with the Patrician, or at least, watch from afar as he had tea. Have a drink at the Mended Drum. You know, regular tourist stuff.

19 - If you could kill off any fictional character, who would it be and why?

      Nooo, this is even worse than the last one! :P
I wouldn’t kill anyone, they all serve a purpose in their stories. Even the bad ones. Especially those.


20 - It’s time for a roadtrip! Who do you bring, where do you go, who gets to drive, what do you listen to and who gets to pick it?

      Well, it depends. Either I take a trip with my family (we get on really well), in which case I drive, since I’m the only one with a license, we listen to rock and it’s unanimous. Lisbon or Barcelona.
Or I go with my two best friends, in which case...hmm, still the only one with a license, so probably still me at the wheel. As for music, we find things we all like, so probably softer rock tunes and some pop. We’re actually thinking about doing Rome this summer, so...

21 - If you could do anything you wanted to someone who cut in front of you, either in a line or in traffic, without any repercussions, what would you do?

      Depends how angry I was at the time. Swear at them, maybe, although I already do that. Cut them up into small pieces, if I was really annoyed.

22 - You’ve been selected to appear on a game show and have to pick four other people (this can be anyone, including freewriters) to team up with. What show is it, who do you pick and why?

      First, I hate game shows, so the people I hate most? Lol

23 - What mythical creature interests you the most? Why?

      I’ve always loved older mythologies, such as Norse or Celtic. I used to be fascinated by the Celtic gods, even wrote a story about the god of water, Manannan.
Odin, Loki, folks like that. And no, it’s not to do with the Avengers movies.

24 - It’s movie night in the Freewrite House! How do we pick what to watch and what are we having for snacks?

      Well, I recently enjoyed The Good Place, which is a comedy show. That would make a fun movie night. Or a good horror movie, a classic like ‘It’ or ‘The stand’. Popcorn and chips, possibly ice cream.

25 - What is a prompt that you’d like used for a freewrite?

      I’ve never wanted to suggest prompts, as I feel it’s cheating. I like to be surprised by them. But if I could choose, I guess I’d say ‘crutch’, off the top of my head.

26 - What’s a song that you have had stuck in your head? How long did it take for you to stop thinking of it?

      Ha, what isn’t? I’ve had loads of song stuck over the years, but ATM, it’s Romanian song called ‘Rezist’ and a particular line that would translate to ‘And you’ll see in my eyes, this song that you like’. I usually get it out of my head after I listen to it.

27 - What’s something that you wish people would stop saying?

      ‘Nice work.’ I admit, I say it, too. But those are such horrible, un-helpful words.

The Wipe Clean Houses

27 - What question would you like to ask your fellow freewriters?

      What do you feel when you’re doing a freewrite? Do you honestly let yourself go and allow your thoughts and your story to flow, without your interference? If not, why not?

      A big thank you to @Honeydue, for all of the help that she's given to our freewrite community and for playing along with this interview! To show our appreciation, we'll be giving her the SBD from this post's payout, as well as a membership in the Steem Basic Income program and a vote by Thundercurator!

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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