You and the Freewrite Community

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brought to you by @mariannewest

The Freewrite Community

As you know, we are marching steadily towards 300 days of freewriting. And we have been having so much fun!! With each freewrite and each contest, we are coming a little closer together as a community.

The Daily Prompt, found at @mariannewest, is obviously an important part of that. But what is way more important is all of you who are writing and are helping the Freewrite Community to grow.

Many of you have expressed interest in participating beyond writing every - or almost every day. So, I thought I write this post to highlight some of the ways you can participate in making our community even stronger.

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The Basics

These are the easiest things we all can do.

  • Write a daily Freewrite and drop the link to your post in the comments.
  • Visit at least two other freewriters and leave them a comment on their post. And if you can, a vote.
  • Resteem the Daily Prompt.
  • Upvote the Daily Prompt if you can.
  • Participate in the Freewrite House Contests - the Recommend a Freewrite are very easy.
  • Resteem the Freewrite House posts.
  • Upvote the Freewrite House post if you can.
  • Visit and comment the writers honored in the Digests and the Over 20/100 Club members.
  • Visit and upvote the Freewrite Supporter of the Week.

Everyone can participate in one or all of these. It doesn't matter if you have much SP in your wallet or not. And it doesn't take a whole lot of time.

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The Encouragers

If you have a little more time, we love for you to join the awesome Freewrite Encouragers.

An Encourager does the following:

  • Picks one or more days of the week to be the official encourager.
  • Visits the freewriters who left a link to their freewrite in the previous day's post.
  • Reads the Freewrites and leaves a comment, the link to the newest Daily Prompt, and either a general invite to join the freewrite house or a link to a special announcement.
  • If they can, they also vote on the Freewrites but it is not required.

How does one become an Encourager

  • Join the Isle of Write Discord. Here is an invite
  • DM me that you are there and I will add you to a closed room called Marianne's plans that is only for the Encouragers.
  • You will find a spreadsheet pinned in the channel where you can add your name.
  • We love to have more than one person for each day!
  • Since we are an international crowd - the days are based on Pacific Time. I.e. in your timezone, it might be Sunday when it is Saturday in Pacific Time. You would add your name to Saturday and deliver the Saturday prompt to Friday's Freewriters. Sounds complicated, but it will be easy after we figured out what day in your time zone you want.
  • We also have the code for link with graphics to the Freewrite House pinned in the Isle of Write Channel.

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Many of you are supporting the Freewrite House by helping us grow our voting power or by financing the many contests and giveaways we are running.

A big shout out to!!!
He recently wrote a 50 part freewrite series about a big bird - actually, the bird is just there - but go to his profile and read and/or listen to it. He did record the whole thing for us too.
And........ drumroll please.......
He gave half of the SBD payout from every single post to the Freewrite House!!!
Thank you so much!
We used it to run more contests and give you more prizes.

Several of you send donations - either to grow the prize of a particular contest (check out the 200 Day Selfie Celebration contest) or for us to use for our regular giveaways.

Some have sent donations with the directive to power up. We did.

Here are the people who are currently supporting the Freewrite House with delegations:


Thank You!!!

We love for all of you to become supporters!

Of course, we understand if you cannot send us thousands of Steem and we will still love you.

But if you can and want to, we love donations and delegations of any amount. Even 10 SP goes a long way.

If you are not familiar with delegations.

  • The sp you delegate belongs to you and you can recall it at any time.
  • There is a 7 day waiting period after you recall a delegation until it becomes available to you.
  • The amount you delegate is not counting towards your voting power anymore but towards the voting power of the account you delegate to
  • Your delegation earns interest..
  • There are many tools you can use to delegate. I have used Steemconnet many times without any problems.

Here is the link:

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If you chose to support us either by sponsoring a contest or by a delegation, THANK YOU in advance.

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Active Contributors

I am sure you have noticed that @byn is the one who brings the Freewrite Favorites to you.
@wandrnrose7 searches high and low for all the Freewrite poets and presents the Poetry Digest on Sundays.
@brisby has done a fabulous job with interviewing some of our long-time freewriters.
@improv brought his 1 year of Punday celebration to the Freewrite House and a couple of weeks ago, @freedomtowrite came on board and is running the We-Write contest.

There is so much more we could, can, and will do with your help.

If you are interested in being part of the Active Freewrite House Contributors, let me know.
Share your ideas, what you like to do or I can share what we already thought up but just don't have the people power yet.

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Other Than English Freewrite Communities

Last, but not least. Freewriters in all languages!!

Many of us, myself included, are not native English speakers. And for some, it is difficult to freewrite in English. I met @latino.romano by reading one of his stories and asked him if I could use it in a podcast. He immediately said yes! Encouraged by this excellent result, I asked him if he would like to be the Leader of the Spanish Freewrite Community.

He said YES!!

I am sharing the prompts with him and @latino.romano is publishing a post in Spanish, using the same prompt. He also is linking to the English Version of the Daily Prompt (@mariannewest) and to the Freewrite House.
He encourages all that participate and has a freewrite discord in the Familia Romano Discord.

If you are interested in being the Freewrite Leader in your language, let me know. This is a short rundown of what you would do:

  • Publish the prompt post every day in coordination with the English Prompt.
  • Encourage those who participate.
  • Spread the word in your community.
  • Encourage people to participate in the Freewrite House Activities.

If you are interested - DM me- mariannewest on Discord.

Thank you so much for all you already are doing for the Freewrite Community!!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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