The Funny Thing About Regret Is... A Five Minute Freewrite.

Nervously checking his phone for about the 700th time, Jerry wondered how it could possibly take so long. There was no message, this time, like the 699 times before then. How did we mange, he wondered, twenty years ago when the only people with cell phones were doctors and drug dealers. Now he was accessible 24 hours a day, nearly anyplace he wandered, as long as there was a cell phone signal. He supposed that if he had been waiting for a job offer twenty years ago he would have either called in to his answering machine 700 times or not even bother to leave the house. Just then, his phone buzzed with an email notification, the noise of the vibration amplified by the hollow bar.

We regret to inform you that the position has been filled and you were not selected...

Hell, regret. What did they know about regret? He could tell them a thing or two about regrets. Starting with the reason he was sitting in a dark bar at 10:00 in the morning nursing his third cocktail.

Thanks @mariannewest for today’s #freewite prompt: Phone

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