I wear it to strike doubt and fear
I wear it to protect
I wear it so that you won't ask
The Man Behind The Mask
I climb, I stand, I jump and fall
I torment my battered foes
I never fail to complete the task
The Man Behind The Mask
I fight for orphans, nuns and priests
I fight for justice and the peace
I try not to in the limelight bask
The Man Behind The Mask
I am the epitome of virtue
I forsook all of Evil's ways
I have never touched as much a flask
The Man Behind The Mask
I will retire, and when I do
I will have won my every match
I can then be lain within my cask
The Man Behind The Mask
About This Post
This post was inspired by the daily five minute freewrite. Today's prompt—mask. Like to join? Click here. Image source—Pixabay