Five Min Freewrite Tears/ Ring Of Keys


Amateur, in its original sense, means “a lover of something,” not “someone who’s kinda crappy at something.” I think we’d all do well to embrace our amateurish side from time to time– ~~ Emilie Wapnick

Emilie recently wrote about going to music camp where she took on what for her was a challenging assignment.
She told of performing Ring Of Keys and bringing tears to the eyes of some audience members.
Being unfamiliar with the piece I looked it up. This is obviously not Emilie but gives the idea.
Funny thing is the video gave me a tear of my own. Probably because I once knew someone very much like the young character. At one point I even get a little chill, even after several viewings.
I am tempted to go off on a tangent now. I may do so at some point and possibly even share it here..maybe.

Today my thoughts turn to another young girl who once created a tear that was never forgotten.
It happened quite by accident. There was a writing assignment due. Sadly there was also a party to go to with friends. The writing ended up happening late at night with not exactly a proper state of mind for doing assignments. Scribbled out quickly before sleep. Rewritten with quick spelling and grammar checks in the A.M. Tossed on a teachers desk and forgotten.
Until it came back, as these dreaded things always do. Naturally there was a note written across the top in red ink. That is to be expected when one tries to party and do assigned writing.
What the note said was entirely unexpected. Something to the effect of Being one of the most touching stories she had ever read, and it had made her cry.
That is huge coming from someone who reads hundreds if not thousands of these things.
That story would have probably been tossed out and forgotten if not for the note at the top.
Instead it became an example of the impact creative expression can have on others. Not every time. Maybe not even often. The power to make someone feel is elusive for me. Maybe the trick is to just keep creating because you never know when that unexpected tear will fall.

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