Lying Little Deer (freewrite Julia #3)

He watches her enter the coffee shop, hidden behind the tree, across the street. And suddenly, all around him everything is silent. All the little calls and hollers, all the honks and the inappropriate jokes and the soft singing – they're all gone and all he can hear in his mind is Julia.
Julia on the other side of his door, screaming his name. Julia, on the first day he arrived so quiet and so shy, when he looked straight at her. He hadn't meant it, which is funny, 'cause most of the great games in life come unbidden. He just wanted to know the hot water situation in the attic, but she'd blushed so hard and seemed so innocent that he couldn't quite take his mind off of her.
And Julia in the coffee shop on the other side, ordering - what was she ordering? A cappuccino, perhaps? Or a latte? They both seemed...plain enough for her. Or maybe a big cup of milk. James liked to imagine her sipping a big cup of milk, with a small white mustache above her lip.
He crossed the street, leaving his safety behind the tree and going out into the danger of the unknown, although he didn't think of it that way. James liked adventure. He is most definitely not a cautious man.
He sits down across from her and glances at her cup. Plain old coffee with a splash of milk. He should've guessed. He imagines Julia drinking her morning coffee alone in that big house and bites his lip.
'Hello, Julia,' he beams at her and she looks up so lost and speechless. Like a little deer at the sound of the gun.
And she doesn't know what to do. Nobody calls her that. Only her mother, and of course, her mother's now dead.
'Mr Andrews,' she whispers, all her bravado gone. She remembers, faintly, at the back of her mind, that she was going to confront him, but it's gone out of her.
'I'm glad you came,' and he is. He's been planning this for three months.
She's never done this before, he thinks, as he looks in her eyes again. She's never had coffee with a man. How exciting.
And Julia looks away again, remembering hands. Big, hairy hands. So strong, so...masculine. So unlike anything in her childhood.
Hands she's worked so hard to forget, over the past ten years. And here is this man, threatening to bring it all back.

Julia #1

Silent door (Julia #2)

Today's prompt was 'tree'. Check out @mariannewest's blog for more freewriting fun!


Thank you for reading,


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