Bath (5-minute Freewrite)

I count myself blessed that I have the luxury of water sufficiency to take bath daily. Plus, sometimes an addition of shower if the day is hot and extra humid.

Taking a bath refreshes my body and soul, hence something I always look forward to do. We are so lucky to have a good water system in our country. However, some countries are not so. Therefore, I always tell my children to give thanks for water.

On our recent trip to a church camp where we stayed in hotel, there was a long huge bath tub in the washroom. My sons had a chance to take bath in there while imagining they were swimming in the pool. To them, it was more like a water playtime than a bath. Lol.

On the side note, when Jansen was hospitalised, we were to follow hospital schedule where everyone woke up at 7am and took their bath in the early morning. The nurses told me it was for rejuvenation and hygiene purpose. Also to wash ourselves before the doctors did their rounding. But it was so cold in the morning... And we were still so sleepyyyy....yawn

Oh yes, one more thing before time ends, have you tried salt detox bath before? I heard it is good for body detox while soothing the skin. I haven't tried due to limitation of time. But I did salt foot bath before when I had pre-eclampsia during my 1st pregnancy. It helped the swollen feet. Ginger bath during confinement period is good to expel excessive wind too.

And time is up. Now I am looking forward for a bath later. Ciao... See you next time.

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