First time whipping cream 😜

I have never been a girl who bakes. I admire those who can bake cakes and cookies well, but I have never thought of putting my hands on this skill. I cook, yes, simple stir-fry food, usually those dishes which are easy and fast to whip up, but baking cakes and cookies seem a daunting task to me.

Last July 2018, my husband and I decided to bake a cake from home for our son's birthday. We found out this cake from our cousin's wife, when she baked it for our great grandmother's birthday.

One word. Fantabulous!

She told me it was a 2-ingredient cake; Chipsmore cookie and whipped cream. Easy peasy! The only thing was whipping the cream.


Our first attempt looked great on the outside but failed on the inside. The cake turned out to be mushy soft ice-cream due to the cream not whipped enough (if I described it correctly, lol!)

So, after that, I had decided to master the skill of whipping cream. I searched Google and watched some videos before I started whipping. Oh, please don't laugh at me. I know this is a basic skill, a piece of cake for bakers out there. Yet I failed.

"Do not give up!" - My life's philosophy.

I tried the second time. This time I decided to use my own muscle-hand to whip it instead of a mixer.


I wasn't sure how peak and how fluffy it should be, as I was not a pro at whipping cream. One advice I found out was to flip it upside down and if it stayed there, it was perfect. So, I make sure I whipped the cream till that state. Patience is virtue.


And then, I layered up the cookies and the whipped cream, put it into fridge for 24 hours, excited on the results of the cake.


The next day, tada, my yummylicious icebox cake was a success! Yay! Now, I think I am good at whipping the cream.


P/S: All photos are mine @iamjadeline copyright.

I was satisfied with the result! Whipping cream, I did it!




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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


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