Homeless (5-minute Freewrite)

Ever imagine yourself being homeless? I do. Many times. Every single time I see homeless people around; whether under the bridge, under the flyover, outside a shop, at the bus stop, at the mall's bench, my heart feels for them.


Some of them are harmless, a few are aggressive, and a handful of them are nearly mentally unsound.

I tried to put myself in their shoes and somehow I just could not put the pieces together.

Like what happened to them? What are their stories? Behind the solemn eyes, what are they thinking? How about the aggressive ones, do they actually need help by shunning people away?

I have this dream to build home for the homeless but I am clueless how to help them. Because I also want to help them in a way that they can help themselves in the future, at least see them rise up to be wholesome. That will need a lot of counselling and healing session, isn't it? But I can't do much now as I am tied down at home to raise up my kids and one with health condition which requires alot from me.

Maybe in the future when I reach my 60's. And by then I must have alot of money and knowledge and heart to do so. Cheers ~ ❤

Thank you for reading my thoughts on life - specifically the homeless. I love the slogan "Homeless people do not need pity, they need help" for the Homeless Awareness Campaign.

Selfie for this freewrite for @freewritehouse.



If you do not know what freewrite is, it is a plan by @mariannewest and @improv to just free flow write out our thoughts, where there is no fear of whether what we write is good or not. Just relax and have fun and write in that 5-minutes-time. Here is the introductory post. Come on, you can start joining and have fun too! ☺ And now we have @freewritehouse, yay! Have a visit and you will not regret!


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