Literally -5minutefreewrite

For @mariannewest/day-181-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-literally
Literally right now, I am sitting in front of a computer, lollolololol

Truth be told, that's not hard to believe.

Truth be told, there's literally nothing easier to believe... unless you mean when you're reading it instead of when I'm writing it. Also, I guess I could be standing instead of sitting, so you could probably believe something else a little easier.


I lied unintentionally. Today is a special day. It marks the first day that I used the blender in many months. Hopefully maybe this means I'll use it a lot over the next few weeks.

I should go to the library today. And tomorrow we should go to the Y. We should have a conversation about what we need to do before that. Should we go online and see if there's stuff we need to do before we physically go to the YMCA? Do we need to bring a copy of our tax return? There are so many consequences... I want to tell you about what a very cool friend of mine wrote on that other platform with a blue icon. No, not the bird one, the other one. He wrote about how he used to be worried when he submitted his taxes that he'd be audited. Then he had a medical emergency last year and could have died. It put everything in perspective, and now he's not worried that the IRS will check to see if he makes a minor math mistake. I think that's an excellent attitude. Taxes really shouldn't be as stressful as they are.

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