Tree -5minutefreewrite

For @mariannewest/day-210-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-tree

No one ever thinks about the upside down trees. The ones in the top of the forest that fill in all the gaps, and their roots are the sky. The water rises to them. The sun beats up on them. They drop seeds like stars and stars like seeds.

The upside down trees are where the upside down birds live. They flit like our birds do, and you cannot tell the difference, except they sup on stars and their feathers and nests are clouds. The upside down robin heralds the coming of fall. He appears just as summer draws to a close, and he's always mistaken for the last robin of the year.

He isn't. In the upside down forest, the crows gather the darkness warm around the earth. The pluck the blanket of sunset from the mountains. Then they eat the stars one by one to make the blackest night. They sing a song to the moon. and They find a future that has never been.

Think of the upside down forest.

Think of it. Tap the trees get the maple syrup that tastes like love and home... just like the maple syrup that comes from the right-side up tree.

But don't forget don't forget the sideways trees.

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