Twins -5minutefreewrite

For @mariannewest/day-60-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-twins

Wubba wubba the twin thinkers wanted to have a day of rain. They thought really hard and then there wubba wubba was. There's a day of coldness and showers and tragedy and eating finger foods that have no cold in them only hot sometimes there's focused energy coming from fingers and finger foods and wubba wubba twins I ate sausage today that was not sausage some odd hybrid of life and death. It was also a little moldy, but I washed it off and then fried it up good. I still feel ok, but it wasn't particularly my favorite culinary experience. meal planning. I keep saying meal planning is important, but sometimes it's just easier to not. Sometimes? All the time. Twins should do meal planning, though. Or, really, as a community we should do meal planning. Trade off days. Then there's effort divided by all the people. So if I make a big meal once a week for 21 people, and everybody does that, we all get nice meals. I guess it's hard to make food for lots of different people if they all have different culinary constraints... But surely, surely there could be some economics of scale, here. I mean, it doesn't take tTHAT much more effort to make 100 muffins than to make 20. I mean, some, sure, but not as much as making muffins and then also whatever it is that normal people eat for lunch, and then also pasta and garlic sauce for dinner. Is that normal? It is not. Ratatouille. I make the

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