Vandals -5minutefreewrite

For @mariannewest/day-174-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-vandals

The vandals, as in the ancient people? Or Vandals as in people who vandalize things?

Stop me if you've heard this one before:

raze out the written troubles of the mind and with some sweet oblivious antidote, cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff which weighs upon the heart.

Make a choice

A fine choice. Think only of words that flow through your mind like a river. Like a river of spray paint spray tan spray goat milk follow the course until it runs p against some fine, precious idea, and then vandalize that idea. Take a smart cookie towards the esoterica of oblivion and set it gently on top, then let it rust into an unseemly shape. Find every smart thought anyone has ever had, tell it to go away because no one needs your smart thoughts. O heaven preserve us from a vandalized mind. Let every man be master of his time til seven at night. Ourself... seven at night to make society the sweeter welcome, we'll keep ourself til suppertime alone. While then, god be with you.

That's what really did him in, perhaps... god, yeah? Just terrible and frustrating. Have you ever considered that maybe every day is better than the last. There is no extreme cold, no extreme hot, only desert air that has no temperature?

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