Freewrite Challenge for the Weekend


I am back again for the Freewrite challenge by @mariannewest. This time, it got a bit harder. It starts with a first sentence prompt, then create a story. There were actually three sentence prompt, which the third one would be the writer's decision what to put on. In total, this requires 15 minutes. I am good to go? Sure! The time starts now!

Chapter 1
There she was, Amy Gerstein, over by the pool, kissing my father. I was shocked, and something got to my mind. Is she the one in the song of Britney Spears called "If You Seek Amy" which was being retitled to "If You See Amy" because with the "k" in "seek" makes it sound explicit? I was shocked and quite mad at my father. My heart is racing, I want to throw some hot water at them. But I controlled myself. After a few days, I talked to Amy about it but she denied. I pretended to be nice o her until I got her attention and we became close.

Chapter 2
On the following Friday, we packed or backs and planned our escape. It seems Amy became close to me, and even fell in love with me. A good way to keep her away from my father because I didn't really like her. My father learned about it and he is very mad at me. My father decided to send me to United Kingdom. Then I hear the song by Amy Winehouse, and I remember Amy Gerstein. It seems I am in love with her. However, I learned that my father is planning to marry Amy. I was angry but I decided not to come. I am contemplating though, because I love m father. So I decided to come home for the wedding.

Chapter 3
The stain of the wall was seen at the event as I reached the wedding day of my father and Amy. I was sad but I have to be there for my father. When my father was asked if he will accept Amy, he immediately said "Yes". As they turn to Amy, a guy disrupted the wedding. Until we found out that it was the the husband of Amy. He took a shot at Amy, and collapsed. The ceremony is in chaos, and I was just shocked and disoriented. My father is crying so hard and I don't know what to do. Cops came in and arrested the man who gunned down Amy.
I am left screaming of what's happening. But someone is calling me by name. I felt unconscious until I was awakened. The one waking me up is Amy, who is now a good stepmother to me. She became a good mother to me actually. I am glad that what happened in the entire story is just a dream. Now, Amy and my father is expecting their first kid.

I am glad I m able to make this! I never thought I am able to write a story in 15 minutes as a freewrite.

Photo Credit:
Pixabay/vaidosa (as the owner)

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