Don't Trust the Deceitful Detective.

Everyone had that one friend in high school that had unrealistic dreams and aspirations.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have big dreams, but if you do have big dreams you should also put some serious effort into realizing them.

Otherwise you're just talking a bunch of nonsense.

Johnny was the acquaintance I had that suffered from this affliction.

Talking out of his ass.


When I first met Johnny he mentioned that he would like to work for NASA. As we smoked cigarettes behind the school building with the other truant kids, he would go on and on about how important the space program was.

He never went to class though.

This went on for about a year before he finally dropped out of school. I find people that drop out of school and just continue to live in their mother's basement tend to have lots of luck with women for some reason that I don't understand.

I think it must be because they are so good at bullshit that they can convince almost anyone of almost anything.

While he sat at his little computer desk as his mother brought him Coca Colas and corn dogs everyday, Johnny imagined that he was working on becoming a software developer.

Sometimes I'd stop by his house to hang out for a while. He would show me all these different applications that he had supposedly made. They were nothing more than tiny text files. Nothing he had produced gave me any indication that he had any knowledge whatsoever in the field of software development.

All he had was a fancy title for the software development company that he intended to start.


Of course, the software development thing didn't last for very long. After a while he started talking about becoming a detective.

I think being a detective would actually be really cool. I don't mean a detective for the FBI or anything like that. I'm talking about a real private dick. You know, somebody like Dick Tracy. A person that follows suspects and takes pictures. That would be awesome although it would also be dangerous.

Still, it was perfect for my friend because he was quite large and could really take care of himself.

Johnny read all kinds of detective books and even got involved with some people online that were interested in the same thing that he was.

I thought maybe this time he would actually make it work.

I truly wanted Johnny to become a private detective, but of course just like everything else it became an idea that went into the garbage can.

I haven't spoke to Johnny in many years. The last time I checked he was trying to become a treasure hunter.

He had married a beautiful girl that had a nice job and made lots of money. There is no doubt in my mind that he bamboozled her into thinking that he actually had the credentials and ability to become a real treasure hunter.

I think what he really wanted to do was just take advantage of people and be able to get away with it.

it doesn't take a detective to realize that Johnny is mostly full of empty promises.

I'll tell you this much though....... people like that can fool you for a really long time.

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