Daily FreeWrite: The View Is Beautiful From Under The PARASOL

Hi There 😊


As he sat under the Parasol, looking far out to the edge of the garden, he knew. The birds were singing, splashing in the bird bath. It was after all a very hot day. But the rain will come in a while. That's what they told him. He had done all that he could and now it was just to wait. And where else but at his favourite spot, under this parasol with his favourite view.

He ran everything through his head one more time. Yes! He had done all he could. It may not have always turned out right but he went through it because once the momentum started, there was no stopping. If it went wrong, he faced the music. That didn't matter because he knew after the calm there would be storm. And after the storm there would be calm.

Did he have a God complex? Maybe. Probably. Yes!! Ok so he did. But how else do you hear one voice amongst the many? How do you only listen the voice you believe will take you to your end goal? You just keep going. It is like juggling, once the balls are in the air, you don't put your hands down. You just keep going even when they throw more balls into play. You keep going and hope that you don't drop any and if you do, you just keep going. It's showtime. It's always showtime. The curtain never goes down and so you keep juggling.

He watched the wind rustling the leaves, the clouds darkening. Just like everything else around him. The storm was coming. The birds would fly away in a little while, the wind would get stronger and he would need to fold the parasol. And so the story goes.

Lately, he had to listen to more than just his own voice. He tried not to, but they were just too loud. He wondered if they were all his voice. Guess it didn't matter anymore. He wondered what it would be like if everything had gone as planned. He knew! They would have glorified him, put him on a pedestal, compared to the greats. But it failed, so now he would be placed in the hall of shame with the villains that had come before him.

But he will not stop juggling. Not yet! Not until the curtain came down. He will give it all he's got. He didn't know anything else. And he didn't care to either.

The wind started howling, the drizzles were getting under the parasol but he wasn't ready to leave. He liked the rain on his face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. This could very well be the last time he was here.

He felt someone tap his shoulder. "I'm sorry sir, it's time to go. They are ready for you."

He nodded, got up and shuffled in. It was time and he was ready. He would take this to the end. Until the curtain came down. He might even like it. He suddenly remembered what his mother said when it all started so very long ago, when he was young, strong and righteous.

"Congratulations son. You now lead a country. Don't lose your soul. Bless you."


This is my warm up to the 200 Day Party that's about to kick off very soon. If you haven't already submitted your name to join the party, then quick do it now. It starts on Monday, 14th May. Go get your party essentials at the FreeWriteHouse

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!


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