FreeWrite: State Your Need

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The being sat there. She wasn't sure if it was a man or woman. It almost looked it was morphing from one to the other. She stepped closer as it waved for her to. She was determined to get what she came for. And she stopped from shouting it out loud and grit her teeth to help her talk slower as she shuddered in her wet clothes.

"State what it is that you need"

Without hesitation, her words trying to came out fast overlapping, "I have come to ask for his life. Give him back to me."

"Do you know what you are asking for?"

"I do."

"Very well then. You will be sent back to that moment when you lost him, and you can make that decision again."

Before she could say anything, she was back in the water. She was gasping for air. She could see little Darren, he was crying but she couldn't hear him. The sound of the water was deafening. She tried to push him into the air pockets but those were disappearing fast.

She tried to kick the window of the car open. But she couldn't . She couldn't get it to budge. Darren was clinging on to her, but she could feel his grip getting weaker.

She kicked one more time. Nothing. Again, and suddenly she felt the glass move. Good thing she didn't get it fixed. Why would she be thinking about that now. One last kick and it was out. She tried to get out first so she could pull Darren out. But her dress was entangled in the seat belt.

She pulled a little bit more. She could feel it give way. She didn't take her eyes off Darren and she could see she was losing him. She gulped and felt the pain of the water entering her.


She grabbed her toddler, said a prayer and pushed him out the window. She swore she could see an angel guide the boy towards the surface even as she saw someone swimming towards them, even as she took her 3rd gulp of water.

And there she was, in front of the being again. Wait! She didn't lose her boy. She was the one that was lost.

"State what it is that you need."

"Show me the way," she said, knowing that she would never see Darren again. But she took comfort in knowing that she did right by him.


Another day another prompt, another Free Write! This is where you are allowed to frolic in the happiest place or traverse into the darkest corners of your mind and then share it. It can be fact, it can be fiction, as long as they are your words!! Many have found a creative side to them they didn't know they had. Please don't take my word for it. Check out @mariannewest and @freewritehouse to get in on the action.

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!




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