FreeWriteHouse Party Day 41: I Saw A Wild Pig Running Down The Street


I saw a wild pig running down the street
I decided I absolutely had to follow it
"Oink!" it squealed and kept on running
I skipped after, "What could be happening?"

And then I heard another squeal right behind me
I turned to look; Lo and Behold could this really be?
Another pig was running, stepping on my feet
"Hey there little piggy!" I just had to greet

And then I'm sure I smelt a whiff of fear
No surprise there was the wolf, oh so near
"Get those hoofs moving! Get into fifth gear!!"
Couldn't imagine losing either, I almost felt a tear

The wolf got closer and gobbled the one behind
Oh what a meanie, why can't he be kind?
I decided to fight, to save the other one
I did not stop until the Big Bad Wolf was done

I fought him to the ground, like the woodcutter did
"Isn't one pig enough?!" So much greed!
I turned to see the pig run right into the market
Oh no!! I thought, surely this could not be its fate

Oh so sad that this is where the story ends
To honour it, I had bbq and served it to my friends


Another day another prompt, another Free Write! This is where you are allowed to frolic in the happiest place or traverse into the darkest corners of your mind and then share it. It can be fact, it can be fiction, as long as they are your words!!

On Saturday (which is our Sunday) we are invited to pick any prompt from the given list. Because I was feeling a little silly, this prompt of pigs jumped at me and I went for it. I also initially submitted this in the comment section of the post and then realised, I may not have a chance to track back and share a link if I needed to. And so here it is. I hope it puts a smile on your face this Monday morning.

Check out @mariannewest and @freewritehouse to find out more if you want to dabble in a little Free Writing.

This is my submission for the 200 Day Party Challenge where we need to write one freewrite every single day for 50 days. Read other stories inspired by the weekend here!!

’Til we meet again over text, pics, videos, maybe even coffee - Steem On!!




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