200 Days FreeWriteHouseParty Contest (Day 14): Space MICE


Space MICE

"General! We have news about a distant planet called Earth and there are mice like us over there accept that they are rumoured to be giants. It seems that they are less advanced but have somehow survived the indigenous species there called humans. They roam free and happy in their underground habitats growing to tremendous proportions." Captain Zaius reported his findings.

The mice colony of Pluto were an advanced species, they had built Mironia into a beautiful citadel and life was comfortable with the help of technology. Their scientists had been exploring the deep regions of space and studying life forms from all the different planets in their solar system. However, they were been proliferating at astounding numbers and they had to continue to look for more space to live.

Kyra and Arias boarded space shuttle together with 6 other pairs of mice. They started the launch sequence and prepared themselves as they had been trained after The Choosing. Arius closed his eyes and his mind strayed back to the time of The Choosing, many mice wanted to be a part of this mission. The mission was to find a new planet to live and thrive, it was a matter of survival and 7 pairs of mice would be chosen to make the sacred journey. Kyra and Arias had trained all their lives and all they had to do was run a complicated maze and be the first 7 pairs to reach the cheese somewhere in the maze. It would take wit, skill, teamwork and endurance. Every day two days the cheese would be moved and they would have to start all over again. Supplies were limited and they had to be fast.

The shuttle shuddered and mission control announced their imminent departure. Ariaus opened his eyes and looked to his left smiling at Kyra as he held her hand. Everyone was strapped tight and waiting in anticipation. As the space shuttle shot into space, one by one they all slowly slip into deep hibernation for the long journey.

It seemed like yesterday that they had departed Mironia, alarms were blaring as each of them were woken up from their deep sleep. Something had gone wrong, they had crashed on Earth and their ship seemed to be filling with a liquid substance. Where were they? They could hear vehicles passing up above them. It was loud and it sounded big. They all took their emergency packs and quickly ejected out of the ship. They swam as fast as they could to the landing that they could see at the far side. As they walked on, they notice that the place looked like a huge underground channel. Much like the sewers they had at home, except that everything was of gigantic proportions. Their scientist had underestimated the size of everything here. "My computer is finally working, it would seem that we are in a district called Imbi, in an area called Kuala Lumpur." Mirela their team leader exclaimed.

They continued to explore the underground pathways and Kyra their lead scientist was already busy collecting samples further ahead. Suddenly they all heard a scrabbling sound in the far recess of the space and a creature that looked exactly like them but the size of a house on Mironia came running at them. "Kyra!" screamed Ariaus. Time seemed to have slowed as he watch her turn at the sound of his voice. She knew it was too late for her, she smiled sadly at him, mouthing how much she loved him. Then she was gone...

Day 14 and it's all about mice. I always used rats and mice interchangeably and after doing a short research, I now understand the difference.
Check out @marrianewest and @freewritehouse to know more about freewrite! For more interesting reads about today's prompt, do you know that I have seen MICE or possibly rats that grow to a size of a small cat near the hawker centers in KL?? Eeek!!

Khim Pic for signature.jpg




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