Fluffy and Buffy - Freewrite Day 112

prompt by @the.artist-98 2.png

by @the.artist-98

This is a freewrite to this prompt

Freewrites can be wonderful and sometimes, they are not.

Fluffy and Buffy

I wished the dogs wouldn't be barking like crazy. They are so loud that I can't hear anything. I came out here because I certainly had heard something.
It sounded like someone was screaming. Loud. Loud enough to wake up the dogs.
Just wished they were big dogs. Not the little yuppy dogs they are. Why, oh why did my girlfriend need to have those little dogs. All fluff. Well, the one, she is a bit more feisty. But right now, I hate to say it, I wished I had a Shepherd with me. Something big, something which could defend me.
Something is wrong, can't shake that feeling. My skin is crawling. What is this?
Oh, rats. Running away from the light I am shining on them. What? What else do I hear?
Scream? Was that a scream?
Shut up! I call the dogs. I call louder. It makes me feel good to be loud.
But they aren't coming.
Why did they stop barking? What happened?
Come, come here. Fluffy and Buffy. Come. Come here.
I am calling and shining my light in front of me. I want to see where they are.
Nothing. Silence now.
Nothing but the wind in the trees beyond the wall.
There is a door in the wall. Maybe it was open and they ran out?
Shining my light all around me, I make my way toward the wall when my foot hits something soft. I knew, even before the stream of light hit them, that it was Fluffy and Buffy.
Now, I wished that they would bark again.


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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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