This is a freewrite - 5 minute timed piece written without stopping and without editing. Could be good, could be not so good
Some change is needed in this world. People are working all the time - but they are not happy. They have things and they have debt. The food is made from ingredients which don’t grow on a tree or in the soil and so many are so very, very sick.
Stress. Running. No time to rest. Work. Work some more. Not now, baby. Must work. Have time for you later - maybe. I see my daughter working so hard. I used to come home from the store hours after I wanted to. My friends got tired of me. Then I got tired. Then I got sick. Cancer. Yuck.
Remember that song - Can’t remember the lyrics now. But the son wants to play with his dad - the answer: later, when I have time… then the father is old and wants to spend time with his son - who now says later, when I have time… soon. Maybe it was a German song - all mixed up in my memory. I did make time for my kids and they are making time for me. One thing I did right. And now, I want change for all children. To have parents who have time for them, parents who are happy.