Fair trade (Five minutes freewrite)

The three creatures stepped out of their vehicle, took their time looking around then proceeded with unsteady steps towards the little house that stood in the middle of the farm.
Mrs. Chutney was in the yard, making sure the dog had some food in his bowl, for the night. Also to say Good Night - she lived alone so she talked to her animals, even the crow that visited the place from time to time.
'Excuse me, kind lady, where is the owner of this place?'
The old woman turned around and was surprised to discover she had some very unusual visitors - short, fat guys with incredibly big eyes - not to mention their outfits that looked suspiciously like spacesuits. She made no comments as to their appearance - that would be in such a bad taste!
'Why, all this land is mine, has been in the family for generations - but why do you ask?'
The visitors looked at each other bewildered, then the one in the middle said:
'Excuse me, we are looking for a very very big animal, with wings and lots of teeth - do you know where we might find him?'
The old lady was starting to feel uneasy - what if they're some lunatics?


The leader fumbled in his many pockets until he produced some sort of gadget, one of those modern digital thingies which had on a it - would you believe it!? - the picture of a dinosaur! What the heck?
'This is the one we're looking for'.
Mrs. Chutney was by now convinced it was a joke.
'Sorry to have to tell you this, but your friend passed away millions of years ago'.
She started to laugh, but her guests did not find it at all funny.
'This cannot be. We met this one just four million years ago and he sold us this land, all the planet, for a galactic holiday resort - complete with volcano eruptions, giant tsunamis, strong earthquakes and meteorite strikes, the works. Here is the document.'
By now he was brandishing the display in her face, but the signs on it made no sense to her.
'Who, may I ask, are you and where do you come from?'
'We're from the planet Zong in Galaxy S7x3b and we claim rights to this land! We paid for it fair and square!'
'And what did you give the dinosaurs for it?'

Story written for @mariannewest's freewrite challenge. Today's prompt: document. Check out her blog and join our freewrite community.
Image source: Pixabay

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