"I Still Want What I Can't Have" 5 Minute Freewrite Day 217 -- Appetite

Appetite freewrite.png

This is my entry for the 5 Minute Freewrite Day 217. The prompt is "appetite." I'm a bit out of practice, but very happy to be freewriting again.

My tummy grumbles, my thoughts scramble. If only I could really eat what I wanted right now I would feel so much better…until I didn’t.

I’m on a diet. Let me rephrase that, my entire family is on a diet. While that has changed what I eat and how often, that hasn’t changed my appetite. I still want it all – big burritos loaded with sour cream, five types of cheeses, and guacamole. I want big juicy hamburgers, ice cream, pizza, fresh baked cookies, and a six-pack if beer.

I know that when most people change their eating habits their cravings begin to go away, but after two-and-a-half months, mine haven’t and I’m not sure if they ever will.

I feel better and I am at peace with the food I eat now, which includes a lot of soup, healthy fats, and staying away from grains. But my appetite for the things that I know will make me feel terrible shortly after eating them is as strong as ever.

So what can I do? I think just like with my diet, that I need to keep fighting on. Resist these urges to get myself and family to a healthier place.

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