Five minute free write - Lace

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I gotta say, I think I took this free write in a completely different direction than people would expect.

On Valentines day with the prompt: Lace, it seems pretty obvious the direction that's easiest to flow in. But, I took it on a tangent. Today is supposed to be about love. And I wrote about love, just a different kind.

Thanks again to the lovely @mariannewest for bringing this all together with the Daily 5 minute free write challenge. I'm going to leave a lot of what I want to say until after you've read this :)

So, without further ado...

The tears would not stop flowing.

They came, rolling slowly down her cheeks. Like a snapped rubber band, a release of pent up energy. She took a place in the awkwardly moving line.

It was pointless to wipe them. More would come. Like memories, they came unbidden. To dab them would mean to cut something off. And, as she had learned just days before, the price of doing that.

What had caused the rift? She couldn't even remember anymore.

The line shortened, person by person.

Was it over her husband?

The man that just didn't fit in with the family? Was it because she had decided to... Was it because of that?

But, did it even matter anymore?

Closer she got.

It was dark in here.

All black. Even the color through the stained windows seemed dull.

Another step closer.

Why hadn't she called.

She had had all the time in the world...or had she. There was so much they hadn't told her. Why hadn't they let her know. That little fact, it could have changed everything.

Another step, and she was there.

Gently lifting the lace

That covered her wet, reddened eyes. She was face to face again with the man she had sworn never to talk to again. And she had gotten her wish. But, why was it again?

So many words she wished to say now. I'm sorry, the least of them. But now it was too late.

Soooo, that was a bit somber.

Which is honestly the exact opposite of my current mood. So, why did my free write flow in this direction? I don't know. At first I was going to write this sexy, seductive piece, but then, a loose memory broke free and floated to the surface.

A lot of my writing here on Steemit is for me...despite what it may seem to the contrary. Other people can read and enjoy it, vote me up, follow, etc., but at least for right now, it's all about me. Someday in the future I'm sure it will evolve into something more but for now I'm working through a lot of things that have happened in my life, and writing seems to be the magical key that may unlock the door to my happiness. Or at least to healing.

My brother passed before his time.

And for stupid reasons we had stopped talking. There are so many things I never got to say to him, so many conversations that should have happened but never did, so many memories that should have been but never were. I never really talk about it, I try not to think about it, it's like an open wound right across my heart. I'm sure other people who have been through similar situations know what I'm talking about. And to those who don't, I envy you.

The point I guess my subconscious wanted to make was, don't stop talking to people you love, no matter the reason. Today's writing, I think, was supposed to be about love, and that's what I wrote about. It's a cliche thing to say, but, seriously, you never know when it's going to end and you shouldn't leave unspoken words unspoken.

I hope you enjoyed my free write, lol. I'd love to hear what you think in the comments below. And, if there's someone you should be talking to, don't wait until tomorrow :)


The header picture was shot in the Grand Canyon. I picked this shot because this is where we spread some of my brothers ashes on a family trip years after his passing. Not this exact spot, though. That spot is a secret :)

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