My first 5 minute free write.

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I've been doing a crazy amount of writing lately here on Steemit.

Post after post, comment after comment, working to put together well thought out pieces. I've pored over the language, thought about the story, made sure all the dots connected. So, when I discovered this 5 minute free writing challenge hosted by @mariannewest I really wanted to give it a try. I wanted to take a moment from all my careful considerations, and just try to write.

The Most Dangerous Writing App is where I decided to give it a try. If you're not familiar with it, it's a website for typing where if you stop writing for more than I think 3 or 4 seconds, it deletes everything you've written. So, you can't cheat on a challenge like this. And, let me tell you, when you begin to try those first words there is a bit of panic as you realize that if you write something awesome, but can't keep it up, it all goes bye-bye.

So, without further's focus was: cigarettes

Cigarettes to me are a thing of fashion.

The way I see people holding them, the way they act with them. The reason why people smoke them. Maybe that's just because of what I do for a living, photography.

The smell, odor, aroma, however you want to describe it, is distinct, and cannot be mistaken for anything else.

It's pungent, aromatic, filled with endless memories of people who have held them before. Those who light up seem to be another domino in a long line reaching far back into time.

Why do people smoke? I wonder this to myself all the time. But, I also wonder why people get into fashion.

I don't think cigarettes are for the average person. The way that people pick them up, take them from the pack, light them, smoke them, share them. Each part of smoking a ritual to be followed. No many people follow rituals anymore, at least not conciously.

Cigarettes contain things that to some are life, and to others death. When a smoker lights, they feel a bit of life. What goes into their lungs is another story, but who am I to judge, unless they're blowing that smoke my way.

Many have memories of their youth. A friend, a loved one, someone they looked up to, lighting, puffing, ashing. I've read that's what gets most poeple started. That memory. Because memories are powerful things, and when you associate them, they can become this intractable habit that can take you from life to death.

I didn't get to finish the thought because I ran through the time, but I think it's a pretty solid first piece.

I'd love to hear what y'all think about it :) I think I'm going to continue this challenge as my morning warm up when I first get on Steemit in the morning. For me, this place isn't just a hobby, it's becoming a way of life. Go creatives!

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