Freewrite 5 min prompt: Home Alone

I have been sharing my childhood experiences in the previous posts and I will continue with the same tradition here. Keeping children unattended at home is not a good thing to do because they can harm themselves or even people can harm them.

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The very first scene which appears in front of my eyes when I hear the word “Home Alone” was the time when I was alone and my parents had gone to a marriage ceremony. Normally my parents would take me along to any sort of function but unfortunately, I had to deal with examinations so my parents asked me to go to school for exams instead of going with them. My parents strictly told me to go to my uncle’s house when I return from school. I acted upon their directions and went to school. After taking my examinations, I reached home and never went to uncle’s house since I was not on good terms with my cousin due to a big clash (He actually had broken my toys). I took my lunch and then started playing games on the computer. The time passed so quickly and it was almost evening when I came out of the room.

From then onwards, It proved to be a total nightmare for me.

Do you know why?

The story is very interesting as well as a funny one. In our country, there is always electricity problem so the government has introduced tube lights and energy saver bulbs to stop the wastage of electricity. The tube lights and energy savers require only a minimum amount of voltage to glow. This property of them proved to be disastrous for me. Since I was a kid, I did not know about this property of tube lights and energy saver. When I was playing games on the computer, the electricity suddenly disappeared and I had to came out of the room. The first thing I saw was a tube light which was glowing on and off.

I was thinking how can a bulb glow when there is no electricity?

After thinking about it, my result was that the bulb must be containing must supernatural creatures which are making it glow. The result made me frightened and I had to go back to the room and cover myself with a blanket in a very warm weather. While sitting in the room, I thought that the supernatural creatures can walk towards me and can eat me. This proposition made me even more afraid of the things. There was no other option but to run out of the home towards my uncle’s house. I kept my fight with my cousin aside and went running towards his home. After some time my parents arrived at my uncle’s house and they looked really angry. They asked me why I did not lock up the house? I said there are supernatural creatures in the tube lights. All of the people started laughing and I was feeling so bad. There was no supernatural creature, the glowing effect was due to a minimum amount of voltage in the wires but kids are kings. They don’t understand what is going around.

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