Air & Burgers For Sale (Freewrite Story)

Prompt: brand

Set by @mariannewest



Air & Burgers For Sale

“Everything is for sale. On the list for today is 6 months supply of air. A special offer, only £500. That's a good deal.

Think of all the possibilities. You actually get to breathe. How amazing is that? I think this is a great deal. Call Oxyaire on 050-BREATHE.”

Then I woke up.

"What a weird dream. It couldn't happen, could it?"

It is even branded. "This can't happen!"

I decided that I need a walk to get the thought out of my head. I'm looking around at the shops. I'm looking to see what they calling themselves.

A fish and chip shop called, “The Cod Almighty.”

Oh, surely this one can’t be allowed. A burger shop called “Asburgers.”

Besides giving me a chuckle, I decide that I might fancy a burger. When I say burger, I mean a proper one. Not one from a recognised chain store. I've done that before. I'm not even sure if I can call that food. Sorry Ronald.

I decide to give it a try. Burger and chips. I put tomato ketchup on the burger and take I bite. Wow, that is a really great burger.

All of a sudden, I'm surrounded by 20 stormtroopers.

“You haven't paid for your air yet.”

“What?” I reply. “I thought that was a dream.”

Then I wake up in my bed. It was a dream within a dream.

Actually, that is a relief, because it means I can't get into trouble. I was worried that people would not like the fact that I called the burger shop “Asburgers “ It also means that I can't get sued for criticising a major chain burger brand.

It was all a dream so it doesn't count.

Maybe I should put my faith in Cod, just in case.


Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner.

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