It Is Time For The Freewrite To End (5 Minute Freewrite)

I have to admit something. I really missed trying to destroy the freewrite group. The peril was fun. I do like you, a lot, but we need a story.

Consider this a reboot. A fresh start.

Let’s get on with the story.

It's option weekend, time to Scream.

The freewrite group are on a retreat to a house in San Fabian, Philippines. It is tranquil and they are having a great time sharing stories. The atmosphere is amazing. It would be a shame to destroy the group, The whole thing does bring a tear to my eye, but destroyed they must be.

So let’s get some baddies. First Mr White. Before you tell me that I am going to be sued for copyright, Mr White stole my name in the first place. He has my surname. It is not mentioned in the film, but you can find it on all good internet search engines.

Second is Mr Black. You can’t sue me for that either, because there are loads of people called Mr Black. It is a common surname.

Let’s make another character, Mr Grey. You can’t sue me for that either. There’s loads of people called Grey.

Mr Green and Mr Indigo (he likes to be different) make up the rest of the group, and it is time for them to hatch a plan.

First of all, they need to decide who the boss is going to be.

Mr Black stands up first. “I should be the project manager. I have a cool name. The big baddie should be Mr Black.”

Mr Green makes his claim, “I would make a great project manager. We could call ourselves the A Team.”

The response to that suggestion did not go down too well. I promised to keep my language clean online, I have children. The second word was “off.”

A door opens and a big imposing gentleman walks in. “Have you decided who will be the project manager?”

Mr White pulls out a gun and shoots the man. He did not hesitate. Out comes the gun and bang, The big boss is on the floor.

Mr White will now become the boss of this organisation; the organisation who will destroy the freewrite once and for all.

“We will kill the freewrite with 'The Scream.'”

“There is one problem that we must deal with first,” explains Mr White. “There is a mole in the room. Someone from the freewrite is amongst you. We need to find that person and deal with them.”

He pulls a razor out of his pocket.

To be continued

Part 2 is written.



Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner



Before you go, I have a deleted scene from yesterday freewrite. The prompt was “the smell from within.”

I remember one day, I was standing outside a shop in Exeter, Devon, England. I was looking at the displays at the window. I then did something. A big release of trapped wind, otherwise known as a fart. It was loud, very loud.

I thought I was alone.

I wasn't.

I turned to see that someone was standing next to me.

Should I be embarrassed?

“Better out than in,” said the man.

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