It Is Time For The Freewrite To End III (Not A 5 Minute Freewrite).

The Chase And An Irrelevant Yard Sale

The story so far. Mr White is leading a group to destroy the freewrite community, and has ordered a radio from Mr Brown. Meanwhile, in Baguio City, Philippines, Mr Neil is being chased by a woman in black.

Part 2:

Prompt: yard sale, however, the prompt must also be destroyed.

Let's get on with it.

Part 3

The driver of the bus manages to turn into a car park where people usually stop for a toilet break.

The motorcycle follows and parks right next to the bus door. It is the woman in black.

There is nowhere for Mr Neil to go, so he decides to leave the bus and talk to the woman. He is nervous, is she trying to kill him? Or does she want something else?

“Hello Mr Neil, I've been expecting you.”

“Who are you?”

“I need to talk to you,” replies the woman in black. “But I need a cup of tea first.”

Luckily there is a tea store.

“I am Mrs Black.”

“Oh, that’s original,” Mr Neil replied sarcastically. “I suppose Mr Black is your husband and you are going to end up trying to kill each other.”

“He’s my ex and he is trying to kill the freewrite group. I am here to help.”

“If you’re here to help, why all the drama? Why didn’t you just follow me to the house and knock?”

“Because you are the only one of the group that must know. The gang that I am talking about call themselves The Riviera Hounds. They are based in the south west of England; a place known as The English Riviera. They conduct their meetings in a warehouse. They watch too many movies.”

“How do you know all this?” asks Mr Neil

Meanwhile, there is an irrelevant yard sale next to the warehouse in the south west of England. The door knocks.

“Mr Brown, I presume,” says Mr White, the leader of The Riviera Hounds. He opens the door.

“Come in. Make yourself comfortable.”

“Hi mate, how's it hanging?” greets Mr Brown. “Who’s the bloke with the etch-a-sketch.”

“It is not an etch-a-sketch,” replies Mr Indigo. “It is a palimpsest.”

“It looks like an etch-a-sketch to me. It even has the etch-a-sketch logo on it. I just hope you’re not the mole. The radio is here.”

He turns on the radio.

“You are listening to Mole FM on 97.5FM. Here’s a few oldies to dance to.”

To be continued.

In fact part 4 is written

Copyright free image from Pixabay

Outside the prompt?

I am enjoying writing this story about the freewrite, but I realised today that this is not really a freewrite. It is storytelling, but it is not free.”

Whoever uses the prompts to create a series, hats off to you.

So what do I do?

If you are enjoying this series, I will continue the story, but outside of the daily prompt.

That means that I can also continue with the one off daily prompt stories.

Remember that I new to the freewrite group and I am also new to creative writing. I love it, but I am also looking at different ways to develop and have fun.

Overall, that means more stories.


Thank you @ameliabartlett for the freewrite banner. It doesn't really link to anything, but you can click here for the prompt details.


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