The Superhero Exchange Company (Freewrite Story)

Prompt: Phone provided by @mariannewest

5 Minute Freewrite Task

All images are copyright free from Pixabay

The Superhero Exchange Company

“If you’d like to change your superpowers, please press 1.”

“I’ll press 1 then,” thought Bruce Banner.

“If you would like to be a Marvel superhero, please press 1. If you would like to be a DC superhero, please press 2.”

“I could press 2,” said Bruce. “Maybe I should change from Marvel to DC.”

There is an operator at the end of the line.

“Hello, Superhero Exchange Company. How can we help?”

“Hello, my name is Bruce.”

“How can we help you Bruce?” asked the operator

“I would like to change my superpower.”

“Ok, Bruce. We need to ask you some questions. What is your current superpower?”

“When I get angry, I turn into a big green monster.”

“Oh, that’s nice. You’re the Hulk. A pleasure to talk to you. What superhero would you like to try?”

“Anything else,” replied Bruce. “What would you recommend?”

“You pressed the DC button. Batman has no superpowers. Wonder Woman is a woman, unless that idea appeals to you.”

“I like the idea of having no superpowers. I’ll think I’ll go for Batman.”

“How about The Flash?” asked the operator. “He’s really fast.”

“No, thank you,” replied Bruce. “I’ll go for Batman.”

“How about the Green Lantern?”

“No, thank you,” replied Bruce. “Batman, please.”

“Would you like to be another Marvel hero?”

“No, I want to be Batman,” shouted Bruce.

“You could be Thor......

...... hello! Are you still there, Mr Bruce?”

The operator turns to his friend.

“I’ve just spoken to Bruce Banner.”

“Wow,” replied his work colleague. “Did you make him angry?”

“Oh yes, I made him very angry,” replied the operator.

“You’d better go then. Mr Banner only lives 3 streets away; and he knows where this office is.”

All images are copyright free from Pixabay


5 Minute Freewrite task conceived by @mariannewest and @improv

Banner created by @ameliabartlett.

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