Herbs... this year, I do not have any luck with them... (Monday Freewrite)

Today's freewrite prompt (by @mariannewest) got me triggered as soon as I saw it. It is all about herbs. And mine is a sad but true story.

What are those herbs? Well, they are the base of a whole lot of things. First, herbs are essential when you are sick. The medicine made from herbs is always my first choice if I do not have the chance to let my body heal himself. But that's not all.

Herbs are also what some would say (at least in German) "the salt in the soup" (don't know if there is a similar phrase in English tbh). With herbs, one can create fantastic meals, without any of all these chemical stuff we are all seeing in the markets around us.

As a father of two kids, I am responsible to give them the best meals they can get. That's the reason why I always try to have some fresh herbs in our garden. As soon as it is warm enough in spring, I plant them outside. Sadly, this year (as you can see in the photo above), I do not have any luck with them.

The Basil first did not grow, then got eaten nearly completely by some strange bugs I have never seen before. The sage had some mildew over it, and there were only three leaves left once I removed all sick ones. Now it is growing like hell, stealing all sun and water from the Rosemary plant and the Thyme plant we made together in the pot. Normally, they are supposed to grow equally. Not this year...

I hope I have some luck in rescuing them, to be able to get the best out of them for my family.

P.S. I am happy about any tips to rescue them as well.

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