The core values I tought (and still teach) my kids (5 Minute Freewrite)

Today's #freewrite prompt (by @mariannewest) got me triggered once again as soon as I read it. As a father of two kids, I have a strong opinion on that topic.

What are core values?

For me, every kid should be equipped with a set of core values. I educate(d) my kids with a few simple ones:

  • be polite
  • always say "hello" and "goodbye"
  • no one ever got hurt for saying "thanks" or "please"
  • respect others, no matter where they come from - we all are humans!
  • always ask before taking something, especially if you are a guest 
  • have a helping hand whenever possible/needed
  • respect rules, be it at home or be it outside
  • respect nature, be it plants or animals (we are only guest on this planet)

It was - no, it is - a process of constant repeating and reminding our kids to respect and actually keep this values alive. Every day, when I see them keeping this core values with them, is a good day. And a gentle reminder when they hurt one or more of them always brings them back on the right track. That's how I educate and guide my kids. 

What are the core values in your family? I would love to hear them in the comments.

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What is this Freewrite thing?

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