Weekend Freewrite: Princess Evie

Catnip Dreamin'

There were 17 cats living in Larry's basement. I'm not sure Larry even knows that. Most days he's too busy(drunk) to come down here. We don't really need him, though. Not with a leader like me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Evie Graycat. And I'm in charge of this clowder.

How does a simple, domestic short-hair become the leader of 16 other cats? Through an election, of course. Well, sort of. There's a lot of hissing, some growling, and the occasional hairball. Your elections are probably very different.

Given the situation, everything is the cat's meow. I make sure there is plenty of food and water; and, there is never a lack of companionship.

Speaking of which, when I saw Snook on Tuesday, she asked me the most peculiar question.

"What'll we do if we run out of food?"

Gotta love Snook. She's so sensible. That's why I made her my adviser. But, this is no arbitrary cat you're dealing with.

"Snook, Snook. I've already planned for that. The basement door is never locked. The 17 of us will form a giant ball of claws and fury and break through the door. Once through, we kill Larry and eat him. We'd probably be doing him a favor."

"You are so wise, Evie The Grey. Thank MeowMix you're our leader."

"Yes, thank MeowMix, indeed. Now go finish up that catnip report."

Of course, what I didn't tell her...what I haven't told anyone...is that that day might come sooner than expected. Why? Well, let's just say I put my trust in the wrong cat. Herb. I should have known. I mean, who names their cat Herb? I told him to defrost the fridge in preparation for a shipment of chickens. And, do you know the way Herb defrosted the refrigerator? By chewing through the power cord. I know. He's got to be down to his last couple of lives.

If Larry doesn't check on us soon, I'll have to assemble the Feline Counsel and begin preparations on...

[Times up. Which is fitting. At any point during this dream, a noise could have woken my cat up. That's right. At a certain point I realized I was writing what my cat dreams about. I really like these multi-prompt freewrites.]

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Thank you to @MarianneWest for hosting these DAILY freewrites!
Link to First Prompt: @mariannewest/weekend-freewrite-4-the-first-sentence
Photo by: @Omra-Sky

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