5 Minute Freewrite Monday (scout)

Oh snap! Almost started typing before setting the timer. This story
could have gone on forever before I realized it, had I not caught it as
my fingers prepared to pump out the letters.
I didn't press Charlotte for what happened to her sister. She was quiet
after that lady said all that. The next few days, Charlotte wanted to
walk along the fence alone so she went one way and I the other. One
day I saw Kelly hiding in the trees and he was waving to me to come
closer to the fence. He needed to talk to Charlotte and so I went to get
her. She ran to the fence with worry on her face.

"How is Chozzy? Is he ok? Is he alive?"

"Calm down Charlotte . He is fine but I need you to help talk to him.
Meet me tonight here."

Later, she asked me to scout for her and bird whistle if I see anyone
approaching. We snuck out after dinner so it would be a matter of

"oh Chozzy, I'm glad you are alive. Oh my, your leg. Is that where you
got shot?" ....

Well, we know Chozzy is alive but hurt. I'm starting to love that little guy.

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