Attention Everyone! (5 Minute Freewrite Tuesday (important)

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Being a member of such a cool club, is something I never dreamt of. Sure, it is just a "freewrite club." But how many clubs do you know, that everyone gets along, helps each other out all the time, and holds contests, that many have a chance to win?

I am totally addicted to them. They have helped my imagination grow, in more ways than one. You get plenty of practice with story writing. If the story gets good enough, it has the potential to make it further. Freewritehouse is just starting out, so there are probably many future plans yet to come.

It is not important that you think you are not worthy, or a good writer. We all start off fresh here.

Some have never written a thing in their life, outside those damned essays for school. Those were not very fun, but writing stories with the daily prompts, is totally cool, and worth the time.
How can you NOT find 5 minutes to spare, and write your heart out?

Badge proudly displayed here was made by @fireawaymarmot

anigif my banner.gif
Banner made by me. If you like it, feel free to use it, but let it be known I made it. :)

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