Weekend Freewrite 2/18/18 (Company Spy)

My only defense was to write down every word they said. Wendy
told me that if I did not tell her what the employees said, I will lose
my job.

"I can't do that. I have to work with them everyday. That is not fair
to put me on the line like that."

"Fair? How about this, you write what you think I should know
about or you can consider yourself fired."

"WE have a business to run and if there is thievery going on I want
to know. Any talks of drugs, I want to know. Do I make myself clear?
They are not your friends, they are colleagues! You think they care
about you? Open your eyes Wanda! They are using your friendship
to their benefit."

Sigh! This is not going to be easy. How am I going to face them
when they find out.

Eloise was my half-sister, but everyone thought she was my cousin.
She used my being family to her benefit. She was always one to get
her way. I never expected to work for her, but Uncle Jake wanted her
to run the family business since she didn't take crap from anyone.
Mom had almost married Uncle Jake, until they did the blood test
they require and found out they were related. Eloise almost became
my adopted sister before that. Mom still considers her my sister, half
or not.

She wanted me to tell her everything I knew about anyone doing
something she did not approve of. There was no trust in any
employee and that list included me now. I can remove myself from
that list if I write down what I know.

I wish I didn't know ...

I can't even begin to tell you when was the last time they saw a movie.
Uncle Jake and Eloise are literally in their office 24/7. I'm glad the
blood test came back like it did. I would have been stuck working like
a dog with no choice. Mom was too gullible to see how stuck up they
are. No one is good enough for them, but she loves the attention.
Since dad left us, she had to do everything alone. Now Uncle Jake
spoils her with whatever she wants.

I finally jotted down all the info I knew about. Then I wrote a note to

"I need to move to a new location and start a fresh life. I wish you the
best, mom. I will stay in touch. I just can't handle the stress of working
for them, or being used to snitch on fellow coworkers."

Then I packed my bags and drove off with just me and my dog.

Pixabay photo

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