Day 99: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: sunset

Omg, omg it is the 99th day of the freewrite curriculum and I am just so happy about. One day more and it will be a 100 days old. Woohooo! Way to go @improv and @mariannewest for starting this and making it grow so big in just 100 days. Congratulations to you both. Now back to the prompt. Today's prompt is sunset which is something I absolutely love. Here's my freewrite on the prompt.


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Standing on the top of the mountain, Aryan closed his eyes for a while as the sun set low. The sunset was gorgeous like it was every day. The hues of red, orange accompanied with strains of violet made the sky looked absolutely breathtaking, but even with all its beauty, the sunset could not make Aryan smile today. Today, he was serious and determined because he had decided to change the course of his life for good. Before he took the next big step, he reminisced the words of his father.

'You are a disgrace for us', he had said followed by 'I wish you were never born to us.' This was when Aryan was 15 and was forced to leave the house by his father. His mother did not want him to go ever. She loved him despite everything. He was born from her; he was a part of her. How could she not love him? But his father, well he was strongly moulded by the societal norms and gave in to the pressure so found it was only best if Aryan left them so he would feel less ashamed.

So Aryan did leave his home and for a year, he struggled to find his place in the world but could not. He still could not get why he was such a disgrace. He was just a transgender. What's wrong with that? Does that make him any less of a human being? Does that mean he does not have feelings? Does that mean he is not worthy to live? Does that mean he should not be cared for? Aryan never got the answer to these questions.

Maybe his willpower to find his place in the world and bear his hardships had depleted or maybe the world was so cruel to him that he could not take anymore. So as the sun disappeared behind the mountains so did Aryan. He was flying even when he was falling. He felt his soul was being liberated even when he knew he would breathe his last soon. For the first time in years, Aryan felt he was free and smiled just before he closed his eyes for good.

I know this was a sad freewrite but somehow the prompt sunset made me brew up this story. It is for all the transgenders in my country who go through a very hard time finding love and happiness. Some day, I am going to work harder for them and to help them out. Do share your views on the freewrite. Till next time,

Love and light,


I am a part of the @ecotrain which is a fantastic place to be on Steemit.



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